Time Analysis

Introduction to Time Analysis.

This skill track is under construction!!

📋 Content

📄 Description

This directory contains a few basic notebooks to learn more about time analysis, like EEG or EMG.

By the end of these notebooks, you should feel more comfortable with:

  • load and analyze medical time series, such as EEG, ECG and EMG

📣 Current announcements

This skill track is optional for the time being and is not part of the bootcamp. We still need to make some changes. But if you want to try out the skill track, feel free to do so!

❗ Course requirements

  • you should have completed all previous skill tracks
  • in this notebook we use data from open-source databases (the references are at the bottom of the page); in Google Colab the data is loaded automatically at the beginning of the notebook
  • have a look at the theoretical basics before you start with the notebooks

📒 Syllabus

  • Basic concepts of Time Analysis Open In Colab
  • Basic concepts of EEG Analysis Open In Colab
  • Basic concepts of ECG Analysis Open In Colab
  • Basic concepts of EMG Analysis Open In Colab

📝 Theoretical basics

For some information on the topic, take a look at the Basics.

☝️ References

In this skill track, you’ll work with different Open-Source datasets:

[1] Xie, C. et al. (2023), Waveform Database Software Package (WFDB) for Python (version 4.1.0), PhysioNet. https://doi.org/10.13026/9njx-6322