Data Management

Introduction to Data Management.

📋 Content

📄 Description

This directory contains a few basic notebooks to learn wo work with databases and how to manage and analyse these.

By the end of these notebooks, you should feel more comfortable with:

  • feel more confident in dealing with Pandas
  • have a basic understanding of data processing and editing
  • process medical data sets and extract important information

📣 Current announcements

In this skill track, the notebooks build on each other. Therefore, complete them in the order given!

❗ Course requirements

This workshop is intended for learners who have a basic understanding of working with Python like:

  • Variables, data types, functions
  • Loops, comditionals

Please note:

  • you should have understood the basic concepts of Python, otherwise have another look at the Introductory notebooks
  • in this notebook we use data from open-source databases (the references are at the bottom of the page); in Google Colab the data is loaded automatically at the beginning of the notebook
  • have a look at the theoretical basics before you start with the notebooks

📒 Syllabus

  • Basic concepts of data management Open In Colab
  • Basic concepts of loading file formats Open In Colab
  • Data Analysis - Lung Deseases Open In Colab
  • Data Analysis - Sleep Open In Colab

📝 Theoretical basics

For some information on the topic, take a look at some Basics.

☝️ References

In this skill track, you’ll work with different Open-Source datasets:

[1] Wang, Xiaosong, et al. (2017), Chestx-ray8: Hospital-scale chest x-ray database and benchmarks on weakly-supervised classification and localization of common thorax diseases, Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition.

[2] Kemp, B., et al. (2000), Analysis of a sleep-dependent neuronal feedback loop: the slow-wave microcontinuity of the EEG, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering.