Theoretical Basics

Data Management

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pandas is a spreadsheet application for Python and offers user-friendly functions for data tables. Importing the pandas library gives IPython notebooks fast, flexible, and expressive data structures designed to make working with “relational” or “labeled” data both easy and intuitive.

Data Types

pandas ia a framework - i.e. a collection of functionality, not a program on its own. It is based on the numerical mathmatics framework numpy.

While numpy is more directed to highly optimized numeric calculations, pandas offers additional convenience and utility for dealing with tabular data. In turn, it sacrifices some processing speed.

What is pandas used for?

Its main application cases is data processing. This includes: Reading, exploring, cleaning, transforming and visualizing data.

Common areas that make use of it are:

  • Data Science
  • Machine Learning

Where to find help?

Here you will find all the necessary information about pandas and their functionalities: Official Documentation.

Key Points
  • pandas is a data processing framework based on numpy
  • It offers additional utility functions but sacrifices speed

How to get pandas?

It can be installed via pip (c.f. pandas on Make sure that the dependencies are installed as well.

Working with data types

There are different dtypes in pandas:

  • object: string/mixed types
  • int64: integer
  • float64: float
  • datetime64: datetime

Series and DataFrames

The primary two components of pandas are the Series and DataFrame.

A Series is essentially a column, and a DataFrame is a multi-dimensional table made up of a collection of Series.

A Pandas DataFrame is a two-dimensional, labeled data structure within the Pandas library for Python. Resembling a table or spreadsheet, it consists of rows and columns, where each column can hold different data types (numeric, string, boolean, etc.). The DataFrame provides powerful tools for data manipulation, cleaning, analysis, and exploration. It allows for easy indexing, slicing, merging, reshaping, and aggregating data, making it a versatile and fundamental tool in data science and analysis workflows.

A Pandas Series is a one-dimensional labeled array capable of holding various data types (integers, strings, floats, etc.) in a tabular form. It resembles a column in a spreadsheet or a simple array/list with associated index labels for each element.

Creating a Series

There are different ways we can add data to a Series. We start out with a simple list:

from pandas import Series  # Note the initial upper-case letter

sneeze_counts = Series(data=[32, 41, 56, 62, 30, 22, 17])
0    32
1    41
2    56
3    62
4    30
5    22
6    17
dtype: int64

Note: Note that the Series automatically adds an index on the left side. It also automatically infers the best fitting data type for the elements (here int64 = 64-bit integer). pandas introduces the series as a new data type (like int, str and all the others) and as such the value of sneeze_counts is actually the whole series at once.

Extra Information

To make the data a bit more meaningful, let’s set a custom index:

days_of_week = ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"]
sneeze_counts.index = days_of_week
Monday       32
Tuesday      41
Wednesday    56
Thursday     62
Friday       30
Saturday     22
Sunday       17
dtype: int64

Also, we add a name to the series, so we can distinguish it later: = "Sneezes"

Alternatively you can provide the index while creating the series by passing a dictionary:

sneeze_counts = Series(
    data= {
        "Monday": 32,
        "Tuesday": 41,
        "Wednesday": 56,
        "Thursday": 62,
        "Friday": 30,
        "Saturday": 22,
        "Sunday": 17
Key Points
  • Series are a 1-dimensional data structure
  • You can use indices to label the data and a name to label the whole Series

Crating Dataframes

A dataframe can be created from a list of series, where each series forms a row in the resulting table.

from pandas import DataFrame  # Note the camel-case spelling

measurements = DataFrame(data=[sneeze_counts, temperatures, humidities])
             Monday  Tuesday  Wednesday  Thursday  Friday  Saturday  Sunday
Sneezes        32.0     41.0       56.0      62.0    30.0      22.0    17.0
Temperature    10.9      8.2        7.6       7.8     9.4      11.1    12.4
Humidity       62.5     76.3       82.4      98.2    77.4      58.9    41.2

A dataframe can also be created from a dictionary of series where each series forms a column in the resulting table.

measurements = DataFrame(
  data={ sneeze_counts, temperatures, humidities
           Sneezes  Temperature  Humidity
Monday          32         10.9      62.5
Tuesday         41          8.2      76.3
Wednesday       56          7.6      82.4
Thursday        62          7.8      98.2
Friday          30          9.4      77.4
Saturday        22         11.1      58.9
Sunday          17         12.4      41.2

Turn around

To flip rows and columns, dataframes can be transposed using the T-property:

column_wise = DataFrame(data=temperatures)
row_wise = column_wise.T

print()  # Add a blank line as separator
Monday            10.9
Tuesday            8.2
Wednesday          7.6
Thursday           7.8
Friday             9.4
Saturday          11.1
Sunday            12.4

             Monday  Tuesday  Wednesday  Thursday  Friday  Saturday  Sunday
Temperature    10.9      8.2        7.6       7.8     9.4      11.1    12.4

Don’t forget to store the transposed dataframe in a new variable (or overwrite the old one), as the original will not be changed by the transposition.

Key Points
  • Dataframes represent 2-dimensional (tabular) data
  • Each column in a dataframe is a series
  • Dataframes have row and column indices
  • Dataframes may be transposed to switch rows and column

Accessing Data

Selecting Columns

To get all available column names, run


We can extract a singular column by using the []-operator:


Note that the output is a series again

To access a selection of columns, we pass in a list of column names in the desired order:

print(measurements[ ["Humidity", "Sneezes"] ])

Selecting Rows

To access given rows you can use the slicing operation as known from lists:


Warning: If you pass in a singular number instead of [start:stop] pandas will look for a row with that number as a label. This will fail in our example since the rows are not numbered.

Acess via loc

The property loc gives label-based access to the elements of a dataframe. It follows the pattern dataframe.loc[row_slice, column_slice]. For example:

print(measurements.loc["Monday": "Friday", "Temperature":"Humidity"])

Access via iloc

The iloc-property works similar to loc, except that it takes integer-based indexes instead of row/column labels:

print(measurements.iloc[0:5, 1:])
Key Points
  • Rows and columns can be selected ba their label, with the loc- or iloc-methods

Medical data file formats

Format Name File Extension Origin
XML .xml Extensible Markup Language
RD .rd R Documentation
EDF .edf European Data Format
BDF .bdf BioSemi Data Format
CSV .csv Comma Separated Values
XLSX .xlsx Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet

Read CSV

The pandas.read_csv() function is a versatile tool in the Pandas library used to read and load data from a CSV (Comma-Separated Values) file into a Pandas DataFrame. It offers a simple and efficient way to import data by specifying the file path or URL. This function supports a wide range of parameters to handle various CSV file formats, handle missing or malformed data, specify delimiters, and customize data types.

import pandas as pd

csv2df = pd.read_csv('/Data/data.csv')


The pandas.read_json() function within the Pandas library is designed to efficiently read and load JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) data into a Pandas DataFrame. It provides a straightforward method to ingest JSON data from a file, string, or URL and convert it into a structured DatDataFrameaFrame format. This function supports various options for handling JSON data with different structures, including nested objects and arrays.

import pandas as pd

json2df = pd.read_json('/Data/data.json') 

What is data preprocessing?

Data processing refers to several steps:

  • Beyond cleaning and exploratory data analysis
  • Prepping data for modeling
  • Modeling in python requires numerical input

Exploring data types

We want to know what types we’ll be working with as we start to do more preprocessing:

df = pd.read_csv('/dataset/brain_volumes.csv')

patient_id          object
brain_vol           object

Converting a column type

If you take a look at the dataset types, you’ll see that the column brain_vol is type object. But, if you actually look at the column, you’ll see that it consists of integers. Let’s convert that column to type int.

# Convert the brain_vol column to type int
df['brain_vol'] = df['brain_vol'].astype(int)

# Look at the dtypes of the dataset